Only 1 more sleep until my weekend in Perth - it's going to be so busy, I don't know that I'll even have time to sleep! 3 Guides meetings, a bbq, Australia Day skyworks, movies, karaoke... And they're predicting the temp to get up to 37*C on Friday down there. hehehe, watch dem Perth-ites fry :P
Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed in the things that you didn't do, than the things that you did do. So, throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover. - Mark Twain.
Pay day today too :D
24 January, 2007
19 January, 2007
I have had the crappest of all crap days today...

Why, I really don't know. But it was a costly exercise... I
managed to back straight into the telephone pole in the carpark, and put a big dent in the back bumper of my car. I have managed to go SEVEN WHOLE MONTHS scratch and dent-free. I well and truly christened it today. Luckily I had to take out comprehensive insurance to be able to get the car financed, so it should be covered (and it's only a plastic bumper, so it's not like it needs panel-beating). But it was still a shock, and a sad thought to know that my car didn't look new anymore :(
17 January, 2007
I M*A*S*H-ified my MySpace thingy today - worked out how to create my own layouts, and it looks pretty frickin awesome, even if I do say so myself. It wasn't anywhere near as hard as I thought it would be (although it's not like I wrote the coding myself - I ended up using the toolkit on, but was a bit of a challenge getting the colours just right.
There is absolutely nothing on television at the moment... They even took off That 70s Show to make room for Home & Away. No fair no fair no fair...
16 January, 2007
Caught the MySpace bug last night - picked up an old one that I had forgotten about, and gave it a spit and polish, and *poof* - an obsession was born. I'm building friends up on there slowly - even have a pending request to be added to my dear friend Alan Alda's myspace. I doubt it's the real one though - come to think of it though, it would be the perfect guise - having your own myspace, and everyone thinking that it must just be someone else, when really it wasn't someone else, but yourself... Think I tongue-twisted my brain there...
Anywhos, my MySpace is now at - let the Swamp reign on throughout the WWW :P
14 January, 2007
Week 1 of living in my new flat is now over. It's getting easier as time goes by, but it's still hell weird. Below are the good and bad points that I have found so far...
Thumbs up: smells nice (no Ross-smell); I can go on the internet whenever and wherever I feel like it; don't have to go out all the time, because there's no-one there to avoid; can have my piano set up; don't have to have all my stuff confined to 1 room; can cook whatever I want.
Thumbs down: lonely (no other voices around); unfamiliar surroundings; empty house (coz I don't have much furniture); costs more money for rent and bills; have to keep everything locked all the time.
In other words, most of the things that worry me about it are things that will pass or I'll get used to. Other than the loneliness, but isn't that what I've been chasing for so long???
10 January, 2007
R.I.P Dave (Bob)
We'll miss you heaps down here. Hopefully you've found Bob the dog up there - I'll never forget you, mate.
08 January, 2007
It's been a while, but I've been busy moving into my new flat - an upstairs unit, which has made moving furniture in a challenge :) But I'm getting there, and I now even have a kitchen table with chairs! Getting the phone connected today was the best bit - now I'm connected to the world again - and I don't have to wait until 9pm to be allowed to go online!!! Every now and then when I'm online I get a guilty feeling that I'm online when I'm not supposed to be, and then I realise that it doesn't matter, coz it's mine!!! all mine!!! mwah ha ha ha *evil grin*
Mum, Dad and Matt flew to Perth today - I already miss them, especially when they're all away together, and I'm stuck up here working. But I'm going down there for the Aussie Day weekend, so I guess I have that to look forward to...
Gotta go, South Park is on, and no-one can give me shit for watching it coz it's MY tv :P I could get used to this...
02 January, 2007
Tropical Cyclone Isobel...