Kick off your army boots, pour yourself the driest martini known to Korea (don't forget the WWII surplus olive), and join me in the Swamp.

13 May, 2007

I was driving home tonight, and thought it was about time I resurrected the blog - got caught up in the whole MySpace thing, and got sidetracked. Yeah, for 3 months.

In that time, a lot has happened... I've become a Region Leader, been to Jamboree - followed by a week or so holiday in Perth... well, it doesn't sound like a lot, but it was pretty full-on for a while there. Trust me.

So now things are back to normal - to an extent. My little hiatus in Perth left me wanting more, and so I have made the decision to work towards moving to Perth next year, even if just for a few months. *Note: I said to "work towards". That is my disclaimer, so no-one can come back at me next year and say yada yada...* It's a big thing, but recent events have made me reconsider what exactly I want to do.

Wow, that was a bit deep, wasn't it?

And to the numnuts who nicked my iPod at the ANZ Bank last Thursday - hahaha. I don't know if you've been caught yet, but stealing something while you're at the counter making an account enquiry, with security cameras in abundance - and your name up on the screen? Evidence that Darwin was right perhaps?


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