Kick off your army boots, pour yourself the driest martini known to Korea (don't forget the WWII surplus olive), and join me in the Swamp.

19 December, 2006

Only 6 sleeps until Christmas...

Actually, we have our big family Christmas 'do' on Christmas Eve - not sure why, that's just always the way it's been, and the way people seem to want to do it, so who's to argue. It's a pretty impressive night usually, complete with a visit from Santa, and the whole hot Christmas dinner thing (hot ham, turkey, chicken, and roast vegies - went down a treat last year when it was 48*C!!! No matter what anyone says, Nana won't budge down from that tradition...). I don't envy poor ol' Santa... Can you imagine dressing up in a red woollen jumper, trousers, boots, beard and hat in that weather? And that's just the beginning - then you need to run for your life from a pack of wild bush kids who are determined to talk to Santa, and relieve him of his load (not to mention those older ones, who just wanna see 'what's underneath the suit???'


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